Friday, October 16, 2009

Our neighbour - Manitoba - Lac Dubonnet

Forgetting about comparisons to places in our own province, I want to look at just one outside Ontario in Manitoba. Lac Dubonnet caught my interest early on in the nominations and I have been rooting for them since I found out we could vote for other provinces. On my way home tonight, listening to the Drive on cbc 2 they interviewed a shopkeeper who is promoting his town of lac Dubonnet. Well he talked about the geography (scenery) and the fireworks at Canada Day and then the people. He did a very good job. You here it over and over again through this contest "the people" it's a common theme for every nominated place. He talked about what makes his people special, like being serenaded on the street by some guy with a home made guitar. He did have a good finish, he finished with "and the there are rumours about people being chased by Sasquatches coming out of the bushes". My kind of town. Well, lets see how we compare. We have some beautiful and diverse scenery, from our gorgeous lake and beach and dunes to the oak savanna woodland of our Pinery provincial park. We had some great fireworks on Canada Day (following an 8 hour free concert on the beach). See coraldiva's video of our fireworks linked here and under links on the right and my videos of the concert (coraldiva - what a great name for a young lady (my age) from the Bend). I don't know who coraldiva is but she may have been the lady I saw at our local coffee shop last weekend. A purple Harley pulled up as we were walking out (nothing unusual there) but as I was trying to help a young girl with her dog (Willy) I didn't get to ask this coraldiva for a picture. I did get a picture of her bike. As she pulled her helmet off I realized it was a lady and not a biker guy - again nothing unusual there but she was closer to my age than Willy's owner and riding solo - wearing all leather, jacket and chaps. After Willy's owner came back I told Linda to just give me a minute while I checked on this coraldiva. Unfortunately, she wasn't coming out for a while. She had her leather jacket off and was reading the newspaper with her coffee. She looked a lot like Meryll Streep (you never know). Anyway, here is the bike. That is one of my stories about the people you see in GB. It's a fountain of youth. My guitar story is of a guy (my age again) riding his bike down the highway (bicycle this time not a Harley) with his guitar in the basket of his bike as he biked to, or from his buddies place - not too unusual - it was a guitar hero, guitar. I love GB and our beautiful people. I am not going to play our Sasquatch card. I promised Linda I wouldn't but if we get desperate, look out. The sad news is Lac Dubonnet are in 5th place. Vote for them when you vote for us. Go Bend. Go Lac Dubonnet, Go Sasquatches, go the xxxxxxxx of Grand Bend. Pic of Lake Huron on a blue day, coraldiva's fireworks, Coraldiva's bike, Willy with his coffee and donuts and one of our friends from the Shady Oaks general store (how did he get in there?).
fireworks link;

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