Friday, October 16, 2009

Ken Dinel's - the Band in You - Canada Day Concert - I am not sure about the order but the bands performing were ....

"the rocking kids" "The Ordinary" "Sweet 'N' ToXic" "eXpired" and "Victim" There was a great article about these kids in our Grand Bend Strip (newspaper) you might be able to see the issue on-line. I will ask Casey which issue - I looked through some tonight but couldn't find it. Also, if anyone has a video of these guys posted somewhere - comment back the link and we can link to it. Ken, if you are out there and you or any of these kids have mySpace links comment them into me and I will hook them in. Here is the link to my slide show video that includes pics of these great little guys. (click on the photos to enlarge them). if you are a fan of Brian's and have his CD turn the volume down. If you don't have the CD you can listen but remember the CD is much, much better. You can listen to all our older guys on their mySpace links over to the right (my left). I think all of the older guys have CDs - Ruth's Hat, Lance Bedard, Natalie Tobin - I have all theirs and love them. Greg, do you have one? If so I want it. I think Andy is working on something. Dereyk holds the Guiness book of records for single drummer in the most bands (in Grand Bend). Here is the link to the concert pics. At the 4.08 mark of this video while we were all looking at the stage the beach patrol were not and they rescued someone - they never miss a thing on the water.
Here is a video of the older kids later in the day - the quality is weak but you get an idea
Wo, I just found one link to maybe Casey's photos and/or article

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