Monday, October 5, 2009

Let's pause to thank CBC radio 2

We will get right back into this soon enough. If it wasn't for this contest a few things would have never happened. One, this blog would probably not have started at least not for a while and maybe with a different look and feel. Thanks for that CBC. I don't know about the rest of you but I would not be enjoying CBC radio 2 like I am tonight - going right from Drive into another great Canada Live concert. This contest got me reacquainted with CBC radio. Thanks for that CBC. Let's thank CBC radio 2 for helping us let the rest of the world know about our favourite place and what makes it special. Just before 7 pm tonight Brianna and Rich gave an Ontario update. Top 5 in reverse order 5) Byward Market, Ottawa 4) Toronto 3) Sleeping Giant Thunder Bay 2) Algonquin and "still cleaning up" at number 1) Grand Bend. No longer the surprise leader. They said part of the reason we had a "mighty fine blog". Thanks for that CBC. Now, if only they would play our existing town's song "miss grand bend" we would give them a collective big round of applause this weekend as many of us close up our Bend for the season. Better still, invite Brian down to the studio to perform it live. By the way, Canada was ranked 4th on a list of 182 countries today for quality of life (Norway leading that contest). Where does that put us if we are #1 (in Ontario at least - maybe the whole darn country) in our fantastic CBC radio 2 songquest contest ??? It puts me feeling pretty good about life. Thanks for helping with that CBC. Go Bend, Go CBC Radio 2.


  1. Thanks so much for kudos, Frank, glad to hear you are getting so much out of the Great Canadian Song Quest!

  2. Looking forward to the voting round. Might need to recharge my batteries this weekend.
