Thursday, October 22, 2009

2) We will miss the sunsets this winter

The sun is setting on the contest and this blog. I was planning to quote my source for our sunsets being in the top ten in the world. I know I read it somewhere and I believe it was attributed to National Geographic but alas I can't find it anywhere so you will have to trust me. This is the only evidence I have - some new sunsets from Corey, Tiffany, Lynda and Heidi. If you come to the Bend make sure you get to the beach for a sunset, you will not regret it. Every one is different and every one breathtaking.


  1. oh wow ... these truly are BREATHTAKING sunsets, frank!
    congratulations on your campaign for this beautiful part of ontario ... would so love to visit some day!
    in the meantime, just letting you know that us WASKADA kids are definitely still here cheering and voting for GRAND BEND all the way!
    thanks so much for your support ... what a ride this has been!
    how many hours left? still plenty to make our mark!

  2. you will get my vote later today prairiegirl. like i said, thanks to this contest there are a lot of places I now want to see in this great country of ours. i look forward to hearing some of the music to come out of this - go waskada.
